Description of Project:
New Ground
The Blitz Climate Designers project was assigned to multiple classes and had to create a campaign, product, service, or artifact to help envision the Fredonia campus and the surrounding communities in 2040. The selected courses were either put into groups or did the project solo. For example, I was put into a group with Rhiannon Evans and Aubre Robinson.
The main idea is to place compost bins around the Fredonia campus near bus stops, dorms, and high-volume food traffic areas to inspire students to reduce food waste, then give the compost to the local farms so they can give nutrients to the soil they use, and the campus could eventually partner with the local farms to have fresh food on campus. This could subsequently encourage the community to follow in the campus’ footsteps. This could also start new job opportunities by transporting the compost bins to and from campus and from homes around the town that choose to participate in our mission. Our goal is to bring the farming community back to Fredonia, bringing better soil and produce from a local perspective.
I tend to walk around campus often, and I am usually aware of my surroundings. Because of that, I notice where all the garbage and recycling bins are placed when walking around. So, knowing where the garbage and recycling bins are placed, I made the map for New Grounds compost bins that would be placed around campus. ​​​​​​​

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